【東台創新高(gāo)中】DAY10 體驗科技的(de)神奇-遊學留學-東台創新學校 | 淄博市淄川區楊寨鎮中心學校-(全國百強民辦學校) 

【東台創新高(gāo)中】DAY10 體驗科技的(de)神奇




【東台創新高(gāo)中】DAY10  體驗科技的(de)神奇





















DAY10 experiences the wonders of technology

Today, the sky is clear, ushering in the 10th day of innovation Canada summer camp study tour.

At the morning meeting each of the campers shared what they had gained since they entered the camp. "gratitude, mutual assistance, kindness" became the key word of the morning meeting.

The campers took the school bus, and with excitement and curiosity, they followed principal Jason to the destination of an province science and technology museum.

An province science and technology museum is like a giant rubik's cube, full of unknown and surprise. Under the leadership of Jason, we visited the first, second and third floors of the science and technology museum of an province. The world of science and technology has opened up the world of magic.

The presentation of papermaking attracted the attention of the students. Watching the teacher's action demonstration and listening to the English I don't understand, I feel that the Chinese ancestors' paper-making technology is shining in the world.

How to take out a rope from the mold attracted the attention of camp members Liu shang kun and Wu mo ran, and personally experienced the magic of magic.

Meng xin and Chang le, the campers, played with pieces of paper in front of the huge pillar and put the pieces of paper into a small hole. The strong airflow sent all the pieces of paper to the top of the pillar.

Static reaction to the hair changes the scene, crowded many students. Camp member Xu tong was the first to volunteer. Looking into the mirror, looking like a peacock's open hairdo, visitors laugh.

Watching intelligent technology, music, space, architecture, life earth and many other images, the students were very complimentary.

Finally, the campers watched an IMAX movie with a large screen. Under the application of high technology, everyone is in the scene, one by one, the scene of nature comes into view. Dense bamboo forests, lovely giant pandas, modern metropolis, passionate concerts The students were intoxicated with it. While lamenting the craftsmanship of nature, it is also marveling at modern technology.

The world is colorful and wonderful. Technology is changing fast and can do anything. The visit to the science and technology museum of an province made students determined to study hard and let the light of science and technology light up every corner of the world.

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